Hydroponic growing

Hydroponic growing for better and fresher food

Did you know that you can grow lots of fresh, green plants all year without using soil? The method is called hydroponic growing and uses a nutrient-rich solution instead of soil. This modern technique has many advantages over traditional soil-based methods and has become increasingly popular in homes, offices, cafés and with commercial growers. One of the most significant benefits of hydroponic growing is the absence of soil. Forget about wet and dirty soil, pests, or weeds and enjoy a much more clean and efficient growing process. The use of nutrient-rich solutions ensures that your plants have access to all the necessary minerals and vitamins they need to grow. With hydroponic growing you get a higher yields and healthy plants.

Hydroponic growing is highly automated and efficient

Having a hydroponic grow tower gives you an almost fully automated growing machine. In short, it makes it so much easier to grow all sorts of fresh green and more. Among other features, the hydroponic grow tower has a built-in watering system, which ensure that plants receive the correct amount of water at the right time, reducing the risk of the plants drying out or get soaked. Another nice feature is the grow lights, which provide plants with the correct spectrum of light they need to grow, regardless of the weather conditions outside. With a hydroponic grow tower, you can take advantage of vertical space and maximize the growing area. You can grow lots of plants in the tower, which only measures 85 cm in diameter. The tower is movable, and that makes it perfect for almost anywhere you want something fresh and green to look at – and to harvest at all times. You can have one or more tower at home, in the office, or at a restaurant or café.

Hydroponic growing with the use of rockwool

A very popular substrates used in hydroponic growing is rockwool. Rockwool is a fibrous material made from volcanic rock, which is lightweight, easy to use, and provides excellent water retention and drainage. Furthermore, the material is pH neutral, meaning it does not affect the nutrient solution's pH levels, making it an ideal growing medium. To conclude, hydroponic growing has many advantages over traditional soil-based growing methods. You can forget about the risk of pests, weeds, and diseases in wet soil, and you can enjoy automatic watering and grow lights. Having a hydroponic grow tower provide you with fresh green plants all year round. You can grow plenty of fresh green and herbs in a limited place no matter how the weather is.

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