How to find the right spot for the new greenhouse

You must find the best place for your greenhouse concerning the sun, your garden in general, tall trees, the house, the entrance, and much more. Start by measuring the garden and get to know the movement of the sun throughout the day. Please note that the sun moves very differently in the spring and the fall. A greenhouse depends on the right amount of sun and light to provide your plants' best growth conditions. You can always hang a shade net inside the greenhouse if the sun is too intense at times. It isn't easy to do much about too much shadow from buildings and trees in your neighbour's garden. 

Please take the following things into account when you consider building a greenhouse:

  1. Be sure that the greenhouse gets enough sun during the day
  2. Make sure that there is easy access to the greenhouse
  3. Avoid too much shrubbery and other plants too near to the greenhouse
  4. Be sure to have room to assemble and built the greenhouse
  5. You should be able to go around the greenhouse for cleaning and maintenance
  6. Make room for a lovely entrance with maybe a patio in front
  7. Check if you can have running water and electricity installed in the greenhouse
  8. Alternatively, make sure that water and electricity is nearby
  9. Be sure not to place the greenhouse too close to the property perimeter or boundary
  10. In general, a North-South orientation will work the best*
  11. Do not place a greenhouse too close to tall trees
  12. Be sure to decide how large a greenhouse you need
  13. Do you want to have plants in there, or do you want to use it as a pavilion too?
  14. Very few people have ever regretted buying a greenhouse too big
  15. Be sure to make a firm and stable foundation and base for the greenhouse

*This direction will work best if you have a greenhouse with glass windows as the most heat will come during the early hours of the day and a little less during the afternoon. Do you have a greenhouse with polycarbonate panels for a more extended season? An East-West orientation could be best as you will have most sunlight from South-East to South-West in the spring. By having the broad side of the greenhouse facing the South, there will be more sunlight for the plants at the beginning and end of the season. 


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