Lawn mower garage in sturdy metal

A robotic lawnmower is a great thing and will save you many hours of lawn moving more or less manually. The robot will silently move around in your garden cutting the grass. This way, your lawn always looks fresh and inviting. The robotic lawnmower automatically drives back to be recharged at the docking station. To protect the machine while recharging, place a metal garage over the docking station. The hard-working robot will then be sheltered from too much sun and rain while being refilled with energy. By placing the lawn mower garage over the docking station, the lawnmower will automatically park inside the garage whenever it needs to be charged. The garage is made in a modern panel design but you can always plant bushes, shrubs, and flowers around the garage if you want it to blend in. Just be sure to keep the access way free so the lawn mower can drive into the garage freely.

Why use a garage for a robotic lawn mower?

High-quality robot mowers are built to work outdoor throughout the garden season. So why protect it with a garage, you may ask. Here are a few points as to why it is a good idea to have a garage for your robotic lawn mower:

  1. The garage will protect the robot from the elements
  2. Protects the machine from falling branches and errant balls and more
  3. Make sure that it can recharge away from the lawn and pass ways
  4. Make the garden look pretty and efficient
  5. Protects the charging station unit

The compact metal garage in a modern panel design

The compact garage is easy to assemble, and you can place it almost anywhere. Make sure that you follow our Safety Advice while assembling the garage as edges may be sharp. Make sure that you place the garage on a plane and even surface and secure the structure to it cannot turn over in case of bad weather. The garage for your robotic lawnmower will fit perfectly together with our popular metal garden sheds, bicycle sheds, wood storage, steel cabinets, garages and more. With these sturdy and durable metal products, you can forget about rot, rust, peeling and maintenance.

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